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How Often Should You Water Your Plants

green watering can splashes water over a tiny plant and moist soil

Watering plants

by Alexander Grey (

Plants are a beautiful addition to any home or garden, but they require proper care and maintenance to thrive. One of the most important aspects of plant care is watering. But how often should you water your plants? The answer may vary depending on factors such as location, climate, and plant type. In this article, we will explore the best practices for watering your plants and how to determine the right watering frequency for your plants.

Understanding Your Plant's Water Needs

Before we dive into watering frequency, it's important to understand your plant's water needs. Different plants have different water requirements, and it's essential to know what your specific plant needs to thrive. Some plants, like succulents, require less water and can survive in drier conditions, while others, like ferns, need more frequent watering.

Factors That Affect Watering Frequency

Several factors can affect how often you should water your plants. These include:

  • Location: The location of your plant can play a significant role in its water needs. Plants in hot, dry climates will require more frequent watering than those in cooler, more humid areas.
  • Climate: The climate of your region can also impact how often you should water your plants. For example, if you live in a dry, arid climate like Kamloops, your plants will need more water than those in a more temperate climate.
  • Plant Type: As mentioned earlier, different plants have different water requirements. Some plants, like cacti, are drought-resistant and can go longer periods without water, while others, like tropical plants, need more frequent watering.
  • Plant Size: The size of your plant can also affect its water needs. Larger plants will require more water than smaller ones.
  • Soil Type: The type of soil your plant is in can also impact its water needs. Some soils retain water better than others, so it's essential to know what type of soil your plant is in.
  • Pot Size: The size of your plant's pot can also play a role in its water needs. Smaller pots will dry out faster and require more frequent watering, while larger pots can hold more water and may not need to be watered as often.

Signs Your Plant Needs Water

Dry soil

by Maciek Wróblewski (

One of the best ways to determine if your plant needs water is to check the soil. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil, and if it feels dry, it's time to water your plant. You can also look for other signs that your plant needs water, such as:

  • Wilting: If your plant is wilting, it's a sign that it's not getting enough water. This is especially common in plants that are in direct sunlight or in hot, dry climates.
  • Yellowing Leaves: Yellowing leaves can also be a sign of underwatering. When a plant doesn't get enough water, it can't produce enough chlorophyll, which gives leaves their green color.
  • Crispy Leaves: If your plant's leaves are dry and crispy, it's a sign that it's not getting enough water. This is especially common in plants that are in direct sunlight or in hot, dry climates.
  • Drooping Leaves: Drooping leaves can be a sign of both overwatering and underwatering. If the leaves are drooping and feel mushy, it's a sign of overwatering. If the leaves are drooping and feel dry, it's a sign of underwatering.

How Often Should You Water Your Plants?

Now that you understand your plant's water needs and how to determine if it needs water, let's explore how often you should water your plants. As mentioned earlier, the frequency will vary depending on several factors, but here are some general guidelines to follow:

  • Newly Planted Plants: Newly planted plants will need more frequent watering until they establish their root systems. This can range from daily watering for the first week to every other day for the first month.
  • Outdoor Plants: Outdoor plants will need more frequent watering, especially in hot, dry climates. On average, outdoor plants should be watered every 2-3 days, but this may vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier.
  • Indoor Plants: Indoor plants typically require less frequent watering than outdoor plants. On average, indoor plants should be watered once a week, but this may vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier.
  • Succulents and Cacti: These plants are drought-resistant and can go longer periods without water. On average, succulents and cacti should be watered every 2-3 weeks, but this may vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier.
  • Tropical Plants: Tropical plants require more frequent watering due to their high humidity needs. On average, tropical plants should be watered every 2-3 days, but this may vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier.

Tips for Watering Your Plants

Watering can

by Rhamely (

Now that you know how often you should water your plants, here are some tips to ensure you're watering them correctly:

  • Water at the Right Time: The best time to water your plants is in the morning or evening when the sun is not at its peak. This will prevent the water from evaporating too quickly and ensure your plants get the most out of each watering.
  • Water at the Base: When watering your plants, make sure to water at the base of the plant, not on the leaves. This will prevent water from sitting on the leaves, which can lead to fungal diseases.
  • Use Room Temperature Water: Cold water can shock your plants, so it's best to use room temperature water when watering them.
  • Don't Overwater: Overwatering can be just as harmful as underwatering. Make sure to check the soil and only water when it's dry.
  • Use a Watering Can: Using a watering can allows you to control the amount of water you give your plants and prevents overwatering.
  • Use a Moisture Meter: If you're unsure if your plant needs water, you can use a moisture meter to check the soil's moisture level. This is especially helpful for plants that are in hard-to-reach areas.


Watering your plants is an essential aspect of plant care, and it's crucial to get it right. By understanding your plant's water needs and following the tips mentioned in this article, you can ensure your plants get the right amount of water to thrive. Remember to consider factors like location, climate, and plant type when determining how often to water your plants. With proper watering, your plants will flourish and add beauty to your home or garden.