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Jiffy Pots 3" Round - Single

$0.40 CAD

The Jiffypots® are available in different sizes either ø6cm or ø8cm , in round or square and in different packaging sizes from 11 to 32 pieces per package. The Jiffystrips® are also available in two sizes either 4,5cm square or 6cm square and in rows with 8 or 10 little pots. As mentioned before the Jiffypots and Jiffystrips go perfect together with the Jiffy QSM and can on the one handy be used in the Jiffy greenhouses and on the other hand be planted directly into the garden or flower pot.

How it works

  1. Fill the pots/strips with potting soil.
  2. Water thoroughly – making sure sides of the pots are saturated.
  3. Sow seed or stick cutting and position in a bright place.
  4. When the seeds are sprouting, turn the cover slightly for air circulation.
  5. When the seeds have sprouted, take the cover off.
  6. Avoid frost.
  7. Gradually expose to the sun.
  8. Never overwater or let them dry out.
  9. Water thoroughly.
  10. Refill water when required.
  11. Transplant the pot/strip.
  12. Put the pots/strips in a tray.
  13. The whole pot into the flower bed or flower pot to protect the sensitive root system.
  14. Cover with soil.

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