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Purity Forestland Pasture Seed Mix

$199.00 CAD

25% Profile Orchardgrass

25% Annual Ryegrass

15% Crested Wheatgrass

15% Creeping Red Fescue

10% Timothy

 5% Red Clover

 5% White Clover 

Purity Forestland Pasture Seed Mix is a mixture of grasses and clovers that was designed to be a productive groundcover in harsh reclamation projects where little topsoil is provided.  Primarily used by logging and off-road construction companies this mix has always been a TOP CHOICE seed mix as it is cost effective, is good competition to weeds and will provide seasons long forage for cattle and wildlife. 

Establishes quickly to provide grazing for livestock and wildlife.  Excellent competition to invasive weeds.

Seed at a rate of 25 pounds per acre.  


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